Many of us are in a constant battle with our minds vs what our hearts are saying. In fact, there should be no battle. There should be harmony and unity in the flow as we walk our truth. Why does the battle seem to continue?

Battles of mind continue because mind resists your Truth. Mind is a part of consciousness. It is a very vital part because it is via the mind that you identify the illusions that you create that you identify your separateness. You may not intend to be separate, but it is part of what you learned and what you have become. Despite the work you have done, you even become more loving and even consider that you are a better person. Even the notion of being a “better person” is a break caused by mind since it stems from separateness. If so, there is a separate you. You will not realize your Truth until you overcome all separateness. Battles represent the human condition that begin at the level of the mind. They appear as fear, tension, and chaos. Folks feel they need to battle an apparent enemy and yet, the true battle is within themselves. By your creation of the mind, you have the ability to identify resistance to Truth. That is what makes it the Infallible Way to overcome the need for battle. By identifying and repairing the breaks, you go beyond the mind, beyond duality to Love; there is no separation. Each step you take with intention brings you closer to your Truth. Admittedly, it does not happen overnight. It did not for me, anyway. Once I made the commitment to do all I must to understand, accept, and express my Truth, I had the burning passion to realize Truth and that burning passion drove me to each step, one at a time.

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