Answer: A Suicide may seem an answer due to suffering that is caused by separation when we resist our Truth that all is one. Life seems too painful to cope and suicide seems a way to end the suffering. However, deep inside the friend that ended life by suicide, is Truth and that relates to unity with the Whole of God. They realize that suffering is an illusion caused by resistance. By overcoming resistance, each person has Truth in them often called the Kingdom.
An interaction for even a few minutes with one that shares love and wisdom with the person that suffers, not out of pity, but of Love of Truth, can help the other to realize the power to rise above being a fateful victim. In fact, often the appearance of suffering can be the catalyst to repair the break in mind. In Truth, that person is not a victim of depression although perceived as such. This may startle the reader of this response but even the condition of depression is an illusion. Any condition we create that implies separation is an illusion. Then, the question why is it an illusion when it appears so real to the person that suffers from depression?
With a shift of consciousness, the person suffering shifts the need for the suffering experiences and takes steps so what appeared as suffering yesterday now transforms to become Truth. The energy surrounding resistance of Truth transforms to realize the wholeness of Truth. As work continues by repairing the breaks caused by a mind that resists Truth, the person that suffers comes to realize that suffering was a waste of time as they are truly one with the whole of God.
Although the shift of consciousness to Truth often seems arduous, it is notably simpler than living amid resistance that includes suffering. Further, it is our true potential to realize. One by one, we make a difference!