
My self-doubt comes and asks what is the use of all this?


Full Question: I make beautiful Youtube Videos, Quotes, and posts and put it all on social media and I feel great for being creative and expressing myself. But then the next moment my self-doubt comes and asks what is the use of all this? No one cares, You are not successful. You don’t get any clients and no one pays you and I feel despair.

Answer: As a seeker, you continue to struggle with practices and/or techniques that are supposed to help you achieve something or stop struggling. By continuous projection of seeking, you continue to seek. Therefore, you continue to struggle with no achievement in response to Truth.

When you seek the perceived result based upon what you learned through books, experiences, and others, you project those perceptions. Your creations are built out of superstitious ideas and beliefs when in fact, your true capacity is beyond definition. By looking externally for the fulfillment and contentment in life, you create mere illusions.

Success is not measured by what you have materially or what you have done as a position achieved, but by your awakening to Truth that you are One with the Whole of God. Once you realize who you ARE, unlimitedness is present and available. You are perfectly endowed with all that is available to the Whole.

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