Is there spiritual warfare going on between political factions

Is there spiritual warfare going on between political factions?


Question: Is there spiritual warfare going on between political factions? How do we overcome the fight of good vs. evil including cheating in elections? 

Answer: In Truth, you are One with the Whole of God. There is no duality; there is no need to be trapped in a dualistic world. There is no fight of “good” over “evil”; there is no separation. In the consciousness that expresses Truth, God is omnipresent and omnipotent to all in life. 

External forces of evil do not simply enter your life. If, however, your mind accepts dual forces such as evil and good, those perceptions become the basis for your experiences. Then, your state of mind extends to the collective consciousness that creates division including the divide that appears in political factions that even includes cheating in elections. The intensity of the experience is in direct proportion to the intensity of what is accepted in the collective mind. Until breaks in mind are repaired, one by one, there remains the seeming need for fight among parties and in cases, to cheat to appear to win. Consciousness creates. 

By the experiences (including the role players and reactions) you have the Infallible Way to identify and repair your break(s) caused by mind. By walking through the experience of good vs. evil with commitment and intention to repair breaks in mind and realize Truth, you rise above separation and shift consciousness. You realize there is no need to fight. The once dualistic energy of mind transforms to Love. One by one we make a difference.

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