What are the benefits of realizing Truth?

What are the benefits of realizing Truth?


Question: What are the benefits of realizing Truth? How do we continue to exist in the world if we seek Truth? Why would I want to realize Truth? Wouldn’t I be so different that people would not understand me?   

Answer: By realizing Truth, you are free without need to suffer or struggle. You realize that life is magical. The Self (the self that realizes limitlessness and boundlessness of Truth) aligns perfectly with you, as a human. The Self corresponds with all of your life, and in the Infallible way you begin to realize all that was impossible to consider or foresee when you were mired in resistance.   

With each repair of break in mind, the greater life becomes. You are more secure amid the Unknown core of your being. You realize confidence that was never before regarded possible. You might even chuckle as you recognize how wretched your limited life was when you lusted for relationships as the means for your fulfillment or when your things wore out or you tired of them and began to seek something new that might again hold your interest.  

In the consciousness of Truth, outcomes are of no concern. The only reality is Truth. In the collective world of limitations and resistance, you may be completely misunderstood. You may even be looked at as freakish for the way you approach life. Your actions are undoubtedly different, and that does not matter since you live life not to achieve consequential goals but rather, in Truth only for the sake of Truth.   

When I left my community and my law practice to realize Truth, my actions were scoffed at by many. A law school classmate called me in judgement of my book The Infallible Way. He said “you are wrong, Jule. There is nothing that is Infallible. It is fallible.” My actions did not appear normal to the learned mind and just one year earlier it would not have appeared normal to me either. I responded to my classmate “Consciousness creates individually and collectively. All created responds to consciousness. This makes it the Infallible Way as there is nothing left out. We have the ability to recognize every facet of our resistance by our creation. We then have the capacity to transform the resistance to Truth.” Yes, as long as I followed learned social norms that stemmed from resisting Truth and what appears the typical mode of life to society, my actions were unnoticed. 

As you express from a consciousness of Truth, you do not merely understand Truth. Rather, you accept and express Truth. You are Truth that you are One with the Whole of God. You act Truth; you do all that respond to Truth always.

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