How can I unconditionally love these evil murderers?

How can I unconditionally love these evil murderers?


Question: I just watched another multiple murder in a nightclub. It is hateful and so frightening. How can I not be angered by this? How can I unconditionally love these evil murderers? 

Answer: Of the mind, murders are frightening as the action corresponds to the anger and conflict that stem from resisting Truth. There is only one true reliance and the basis for peace and harmony and that begins with your Truth that you are One with the Whole of God. You contribute unconditional Love of Truth to the collective mind. You take steps to overcome the effects of all including what appears as a massacre of human life.  

Despite the hate; uncertainty; despair; anger; lack; and fear that now, more than ever, appears to engulf the world, the potential exists for love; confidence; peace; joy; abundance; and trust. Realization of Truth may not happen overnight, yet it does happen upon commitment and diligence. Then, one step at a time you identify and repair the breaks that are caused by mind. 

How can we be unaffected especially when it includes the murder of soldiers and civilians? How could I avoid feeling angry?” Unaffected does not mean you no longer feel. To the contrary, you maintain deep awareness of the pain, anger, or sadness (or other emotion). Yes, you feel sad and/or anger over these experiences. It is the attachment to those feelings of sadness or anger that create the separation, suffering, and the continuation of similar experiences. If attached to those feeling, then the cause of the sadness or anger is an illusion. Unaffected does not mean you do not feel deeply when others are killed or maimed.  

You are beyond the experiences as you express from a consciousness of Truth. As such, you realize the Ultimate Reality and you not only feel love; you share and communicate the Love of all you ARE! Your expression of Love vibrates to and becomes part of the collective mind.  

The question becomes – does this mean that murders will end? We, as humans, have the capacity to end the need for evil and anger that lead to murder. Human beings maintain potential to link their consciousness to infinite expressions in the Infallible Way. As you realize Truth, you are no longer a victim of others’ actions. You realize who you ARE as you are One with the Whole of God. You unconditionally love. 

Expressing love naturally shifts the need for experiences including those that appear as murderous massacres. As consciousness expresses Truth that is Love and Wisdom, you are beyond the need for experiences that appear on your life stage, as well as your contribution to the world stage. You not only free yourself from the need for experiences, but you also free others from responding to your resistance. Accordingly, needs that are the experiences, such as hate and murder. The level of consciousness that projects unconditional love and compassion naturally stimulates peace. One by one, we make a difference!

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