Question: Does it mean that “I am alone, and no relationships exist with others?” How does that apply to the experience that I face?


Answer: It means that your relationships with others respond to your relationship with Self. Everything that manifests in your life responds to your consciousness.  

If you resist Truth, the experiences you face respond to that resisting state of mind. For example, if affected by someone’s actions, you are the victim of another’s actions having given power and control to your role player. Your reaction to the experience responds (how you see and feel about) to your state of mind, i.e., your consciousness. Experiences (including thoughts and role players) are present, so you identify and repair the breaks in mind that separates you from your Truth and that causes the experience.  

As you express Truth, you are alone but never lonely. You are beyond experiences, and you realize there are no others since there is no separation. All respond to your consciousness and then, the love and wisdom that flow from you, as you, beyond you responds to your liberation. Your expression truly impacts others, as well.

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