An image of a mountain with a light coming from behind the mountain

I always thought God was a separate energy.


Question: I always thought God was a separate energy. Now, am I to believe that I maintain the capacity to be One with God?  

Answer: You have the capacity to rise to limitlessness and boundlessness in consciousness. We each live in an undivided universe with one presence and one power and that is God; i.e., the Whole of Creation. The only separation or duality that appears in this world stems from minds that resist Truth (break caused by mind). Resisting mind causes corresponding experiences that reflect separation.  

You learned about that separate, far distant God. That becomes the basis for your mind to co-opt your potential for freedom, upon which your projections stem. Accordingly, experiences of separateness appear as your reality. Although they appear real, in fact, they represent the illusions that are caused by minds that accept separation. The experiences that relate to the illusions are created for one reason, so you identify the separateness and transform it to the freedom of Love.  

In the Truth of your being, you recognize you are One with the Whole of God. You live in the freedom of the Absolute, for and as the Whole, as your Self. All is present and available.

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