You struggle because you resist Truth. You continue to experience the duality that represents separation, which is the cause of struggle and has become the human condition that appears as fear, tension, and chaos. The separate self is the one who struggles. Accustomed to struggles, folks become addicted to struggling and unwittingly create all ways needed to bring it forth. The Infallible Way to overcome struggling is to repair the breaks. Each step you take with intention brings you closer to that Truth. As you realize your Truth you go beyond the mind and the experiences; there is no separation Yes, there are certainly moments that you do not want to sit with self especially when you feel overwhelmed. You even feel the unrest to deal with self out of annoyance or frustration. Begin to walk through the experience by writing down or other means to memorialize the feelings and thoughts. You will come back to it to identify the breaks. Stay with it. Shifting consciousness does not happen overnight. However, the day is upon you once you commit to your Truth to begin seeing the glimmer of shift. As you see the shift you feel an expanded sense of self-worth and self-love. Step by step, you know your Truth and realize freedom!

What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God?
Question: What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God? In the infallible way is there a difference?