Question: I hate Putin. Since he is evil, he should be killed.
Answer: You contribute to the creation of a role player such as Putin by your consciousness. Consciousness creates. Thus, your hateful expression of his evil ways, contributes to create the experiences (including the role players).
Assassinating the man called Putin may surely end his life. Yet, the only way to overcome evil is to overcome the need for evil. If it is not Putin, as long as we create out of consciousness that expresses evil another will be present. In the Infallible way, you experience all you need so you identify the ideas of hate and evil that that have become part of your state of mind. Resisting Truth are breaks in mind (separate you from Truth) that cause hate and evil. Unrepaired, the breaks in minds continue to project that cause recurring experiences as well as the role players.
Assassinating the man called Putin may surely end his life. Yet, the only way to overcome evil is to overcome the need for evil. If it is not Putin, as long as we create out of consciousness that expresses evil, another role player will be present. In the Infallible way, you experience all you need so you identify the ideas of hate and evil that that have become part of your state of mind. Resisting Truth are breaks in mind (separate you from Truth) that cause hate and evil. Unrepaired, the breaks in minds continue to project that cause recurring experiences as well as the role players. Assassinations do not stop evil; realizing Truth overcomes evil.
Does it mean that you must unconditionally love a tyrant? As you express Truth, unconditional love is all you are! Therefore, you recognize that all experiences and their role players are the Infallible Way to needs. In Truth, there is no hate; there is no evil; there are experiences that shift as our consciousness shifts. Our personal shifts extend to the collective shift to the broader expression of peace and Love. One by one, we make a difference! The state of overcoming and realizing our Truth that we are One with the Whole of God is the basis for our supreme contribution to this world.