Only the separate you thinks you finished the repair. Since you ask why it continues to recur, the break continues, Remember, that the break in mind separates you from your Truth.
In order for a complete repair, the resisting energy that evokes anxiety, unrest, and limitations must transform to the true Self. The repair process is not a quick fix nor is it a technique of the mind. The mind often retorts to what was learned and what feels comfortable despite seeming discomfort. Repairing your breaks constitutes your steps to the limitless and boundless Self. You recognize all that is needed to rise above any and all resistance.
Truth means you are free of breaks, including attachments on other(s). You have no dependency or demand upon others. While it appears frightening to the ego or the mind because of fear of being alone, in Truth, there is only Self and does not denote loneliness or isolation.
You Love Self and all others as your Self. It is truly remarkable as you open to unending Joy and Awe. It relates to the Kingdom that is in you, as you and beyond you. There is no separation. It encompasses the true Love and Wisdom.
Recurring needed experiences respond to consciousness. With each repair, you realize a greater sense of realization of who you ARE that expands foundation. When you realize that no separate self remains and you realize Self, free of fear of loneliness or isolation. No longer affected by the actions of other(s), you will know that separate self no longer exists. The door is opened wide to the awakened Self. Be still and know your Self; your relationships with others respond to relationship with Self.

What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God?
Question: What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God? In the infallible way is there a difference?