Yes, it seems tough that is the illusion created. Most people see it as tough. If it did not seem tough, you would already be above the need for the experiences. We are amid the Infallible Way to create experiences to identify our state of mind. Role players are a vital part of the experience. Those experiences help you identify the breaks so that you transform the resistance to realize your Truth. You may recognize the break quickly, however, it may not repair instantly depending how much energy surrounds it. But continue; the transformation occurs step by step. I share with those that have a difficult time due to role players. A woman affected by her mother’s actions reached out to me. I said to her “there is no mother whose actions affect you. This experience including the role player responds to your consciousness. There is no
separation and as long as you see one, this is your creation.” Her judgment of her mother’s actions respond to her statement. Role players are wonderful part of the Infallible Way to identify and repair the breaks caused by mind. Yes, it seems tough for one reason and that is, so you clearly see it. It invokes the emotional response. However, it remains an illusion. I know folks are quick to say “What do you mean, an illusion? This is an actual experience in my life.” Yes, it is your experience that seems real. As you repair the break, however, you will shift the need for the experience as you shift consciousness.

What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God?
Question: What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God? In the infallible way is there a difference?