You are the sum total of your consciousness and that includes the egoic mind. The ego is part of your consciousness that represents the separate you. All that you create responds to what you have become. Often, you learned falsehoods that disguised as Truth. It is the part of consciousness that clings to old conditioning and attachments. The experiences respond to consciousness so that you identify what appears to hold you.
Much like that of the film projector, consciousness projects that prescribe the results that appear in your personal world of effects. Mind energizes thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, DNA, including cellular memories. Together, they dictate the results that appear in the personal world of effects (as experiences). Projections cause the experiences that become apparent in your personal life and then, in the whole of the world.
Therefore, your DNA becomes part of consciousness and is a vital part of the cause of your experiences. The transformation occurs by identifying the break that caused by DNA, by past experiences beliefs, and/or attitudes, and transforming the separateness to Love. You may not recognize what the cause is of the experience, however, all that is essential is to recognize that it causes out of state of mind that resists Truth.

What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God?
Question: What is the difference with relationship with Self, and what I’ve learned in relation to God? In the infallible way is there a difference?