Why do folks of the other political party or media hate Trump?

Why do folks of the other political party or media hate Trump?

Full Question: Why do folks of the other political parties and/or media hate Trump? What is the basis of hate or fear? There seems so much disdain.  

Answer: Hate and/or any emotion, for that matter, have nothing to do with another person such as in this case, Trump. It is part of consciousness. Thus, if you express hatefulness, you create experiences that appear hateful. Experiences include the feelings (such as hate and/or fear) and the role play of others. 

  Consider this: By resisting Truth, you resist that you are One with the Whole of God. You are separate and you judge experiences and circumstances that appear in your world in response to your state of mind. Affected by another’s actions, you accept that you are a victim caused by those actions. As with all that you express, your consciousness creates your experiences that correspond to your judgment. So, if affected by the words or actions of Trump, you are victimized and then, it extends to become part of the collective mind.  

For example, if you express anger or disdain or if you blame another for your feelings, you create situations rooted in anger or disdain; if you fear, you experience fearful conditions. If you project lack, you create insufficiency. You become the victim of your own projections. Judging actions of another is truly judgment of self.  

With that said, it is not the man called Trump that folks hate. Rather, he responds to resisting mind rooted in fear and/or the hate that is part of your consciousness. Trump merely plays the powerful role so that the cause of the emotion (thought placed on feeling) that create your limitation is identified. We create our experiences (including your feelings and the role players) for one reason and that is to identify and repair the breaks in mind to transform the energy of fear and/or hate to love as we go beyond the mind to realize Truth.  

Consciousness creates.  

In Truth, there is pure Love. There is no separation. It is where true confidence lies. There is no hate, there is no fear or anger as you recognize that in the Infallible Way it is all God in the Infallible Way!

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